My England trip in Reading

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24452
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

(io scrivo come mi pare :) )

No, because you can imagine a class of 10 girls with a teacher 21 years old... They're the chickens.... :(

However it was good, the class was the top level one. I feel fine! And in the first test we made I performed first! :)

I made somo photos but seems that this computer does not handle them, I really don't know why. So I'll try to upload them in the next few days. Unfortunately I took my laptop with me but at this moment I did not had the chance to connect it in any place... I'll try to starbucks tomorrow :)

During the afternoon I went to the same teacher of yesterday, a lady that speaks more slowly than the "top level" one, so I felt very confortable with her. The main problem is what to do after the school: after 3pm we have to wait "dinner" up to 6pm :) and then...?? I'm lucky that Faisal has nothing to do too, so we walk in the center of the town and on the library and on the city mall and so on. Tomorrow I'd like to make the student card at the cinema to see something with discounted prices.

Nothing new, I still have to be used to all of it. I hope we find other friend to spend the afternoon. Today I had another Jacket potato, this time with Tuna and cornflakes. It was good, but we have only 30 minutes to reach the shop, eat and come back and it's a very short period of time.

I really need to make some photo session, today was a good day, in the afternoon the sun was shining, but in the evening it started again to rain. Now the sky is clear, and it's freezing, we'll see tomorrow. But I don't feel here is more cold than italy, I still have to take out of my suitcase the winter jackets!

See you tomorrow for updates :)

bye bye guys

Antonio from UK
Sono sale per grandi pubbici e ciò rende doverose proiezioni per grandi popolazioni
Spettatore Anonimo

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Utente 35mm
Messaggi: 293
Iscritto il: gio giu 17, 2004 10:15 pm
Località: Campania

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da vinc »

Antò,n'te magnà troppe patane :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24452
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

Here they always eat potatoes...
Sono sale per grandi pubbici e ciò rende doverose proiezioni per grandi popolazioni
Spettatore Anonimo

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Utente 35mm
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Iscritto il: gio giu 17, 2004 10:15 pm
Località: Campania

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da vinc »

è per quello, :wowo!!:ingrasserai e poi non troverai il mezzo adatto per il ritorno :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24452
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

Sono sale per grandi pubbici e ciò rende doverose proiezioni per grandi popolazioni
Spettatore Anonimo

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Daniele Buttafava
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Iscritto il: mer giu 29, 2005 11:48 pm
Località: Genova Liguria

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Daniele Buttafava »

Un'altra dritta, per andare se puoi a vedere una delle meraviglie del mondo cinematografico.
Dovrebbe essere vicino a dove ti trovi.
Il National media museum, a Bradford west yorkshire.E' uno dei musei piu' completi sui media del mondo.
....Lunga vita e prosperità!

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Elia Orselli
Moderatore da Baskerville
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Iscritto il: dom nov 18, 2007 9:31 am
Località: Imola, Bologna

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Elia Orselli »

today was a good day, in the afternoon the sun was shining, but in the evening it started again to rain. Now the sky is clear, and it's freezing, we'll see tomorrow. But I don't feel here is more cold than italy, I still have to take out of my suitcase the winter jackets!
What a beautiful thing: this is his second day in England and he's already speaking about weather!

Che tradotto in italica lingua significa: "che cosa stupenda: questo è il suo secondo giorno in Inghilterra e sta già parlando del tempo!" (Alla faccia degli stereotipi)

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24452
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

Ops, an unlocked WiFi connection :D

Finally I can use my onw notebook. Thanks but, I'll think about it. I really like to make some trips around.

Here some shots of my trip, made by cell phones since the reflex camera is not really the best thing to have it handy...
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This is what I've lost in Italy... Want to look closer?
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What kind of a service!!!
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This is the queue at the Pisa airport for the Easyjet flight. Nothing funny.
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The view from my window!
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The inside of the airplane.
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The train for Reading was scheduled for 19.07. This is the time the door has closed.
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The Reading train station.
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The VUE - local multiplex - of Reading only 100m from my school. This chain was bought from Vue from........ Warner Village Cinemas!!
So this was a Warner Village before! And the inside is familiar :)
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Something strange caught around Reading. There a lot of Italian's restaurant and shops. This has been cought in a "99p" shop, where everything costs 99 pence. It's side by side a "1£" shop... :D
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Some kind of INFLATABLE speaker!!!!! 99 pences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Me and my house friend Faisal, from Arabia. I spend a lot of time with him since he's here just to study for 6 months waiting to enter the university. He loves cinema and football! :)

More shots will follow!! :)
Sono sale per grandi pubbici e ciò rende doverose proiezioni per grandi popolazioni
Spettatore Anonimo

Utente 35mm
Messaggi: 222
Iscritto il: ven ott 03, 2008 8:50 pm
Località: Lione (FR)

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Anus69 »

che dire... dopo gli speaker gonfiabili... un victoria 5 a batterie?
Podì vendare quanti popcorn voì, ma se mì non strùco el butòn podì restar casa (E.Gimondo)

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24452
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

I suppose I can find one of it for 1£ too...
Sono sale per grandi pubbici e ciò rende doverose proiezioni per grandi popolazioni
Spettatore Anonimo

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24452
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

My job of course is very exciting for all the others. One of the teacher called me "the projector" and I had to correct her! :)

They're all fascinated by the ways I splice the prints together!!! :)
Sono sale per grandi pubbici e ciò rende doverose proiezioni per grandi popolazioni
Spettatore Anonimo

Utente 35mm
Messaggi: 222
Iscritto il: ven ott 03, 2008 8:50 pm
Località: Lione (FR)

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Anus69 »

A Marchesè...
a Roma si dice... "parla come magni".

( E se stai a magnà la roba degli inglesi... povero te! )

Podì vendare quanti popcorn voì, ma se mì non strùco el butòn podì restar casa (E.Gimondo)

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Messaggi: 3808
Iscritto il: sab giu 29, 2002 10:50 am
Località: BG

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Walter »

Siamo riusciti ad ottenere che parlasse in Italiano suglui altri post...almeno il suo diario lasciamoglielo scrivere in English!
WALTER - Cinema Teatro Loverini

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24452
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

I'm eating british right now, so I'll speak british :)

Today afternoon I attended the class with Mrs Eva. The class is much smaller (I mean that we were just 6 instead of 14 of this morning... really too many people :( ) and the level was a bit lower of the morning one. However, I did not perform too well this afternoon, I made 11 errors on my small test on the use of propositions.

I made the "student card" at the school, tomorrow I'm going to go to the cinema!! I went to the local Shop mall and made four photos for the very cheap price of £4!!!!

One of the machine was out of service, but there was a sign INSIDE EXPLAINING the reason.
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I really don't think that cinema's customers here can be fooled by the "ce le mandano così non possiamo farci niente" story...
I'll tell you tomorrow! :) In the meantime you have to know that my picky person hit again, but I don't want to speak of it publicy :) :top: This time the guy apologizes and gave me a solution!

Then I went to the police station with my friend Faisal to register his stay here in the UK. The policeman (policewoman? :) :) ) was very kind, speaking slowly with my friend and giving him all the informations. You don't have to speak behind a tick glass with a malfuncioning sound system...
The policeman told Faisal that one photo was enough and we came out of the station after a while since some information was missing.
The police lady called back my friend shortly to warn him that she was wrong and that TWO photo was necessary. I can just imagine the difference... "Mo' sentiamo il Maresciallo......" :)
However, registering in the UK will cost to you 34 pounds!!

There was a strange sign into the police station. It said, approx, "Are you tired of you cell phone? Are you thinking to report it as a stolen one? Remember that you can finish in front of the court"... What the hell does it mean?? Do I have a reward if I report a cell phone as stolen??

And there was a sign in the police station that say many things on the place. There was a sign signed by the commander. It said, approx, "all officers here must show their identification ID. Please challenge who is not following this rule".
I really don't know exactly what "challenge" means in this sentence but I think I got the way.

We went to a Dounought (how the hell it's wrote?) shop. I took a "cappuccino" and a chocolate donought. I still have the horrible and sticky and "unhealty" taste in my mouth! The cappuccino was not so bad... :) It's PLENTY of Italian bar, restaurants and so on. PLENTY.

One is owned by Nandoplex
14012009(001) (Medium).jpg
14012009(001) (Medium).jpg (56.85 KiB) Visto 3492 volte
I've just had my "dinner". Today Mrs Shackleford is serving: rice with chicken stripes in some kind of sauce. Tap water and bread. I'm loosing weight! :)

What else: the weather was better today. Foggy and veeery cold (the grass was freezed this morning) but no rain, and just a bit of wind. Our teacher told us "The weather is good today" :)

Ok. The schedule now is to go again to the police station, perhaps buy some kind of hat (you know, my hair does not do their job anymore!), take something hot and turn back to home. Then repeat some exercises I have and go bed.

News will follow! :)

Sono sale per grandi pubbici e ciò rende doverose proiezioni per grandi popolazioni
Spettatore Anonimo

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24452
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

Another few things: I really do not feel that here in Reading (it's pronunciation it's not like "riso" but "remo"") houses and shops and everything are dirty. Perhaps they're not as clean as us, but not in a so dramatic way. They like moquette in bathroom too... but I think I can live with it. Particularly if the small piece of moquette is removable and washable!

Locals from Reading does NOT watch the color of the traffic light when cross the roads! I was going to pay attention and follow the low because I don't want to show my nationality to everyone, but then I discovered that anybody here are crossing the roads by walk with the red light on. This case I can say that I feel home :)

Sono sale per grandi pubbici e ciò rende doverose proiezioni per grandi popolazioni
Spettatore Anonimo

Utente 35mm
Messaggi: 664
Iscritto il: gio mag 19, 2005 9:55 pm
Skype: GM
Località: Lombardia

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da GM »

Anus69 ha scritto:A Marchesè...
a Roma si dice... "parla come magni".

( E se stai a magnà la roba degli inglesi... povero te! )

Anus69 sei un grande.

P.s.= Ora Marcheselli mi caccia veramente|
Spegni la scritta primo tempo, sai alla fine dell'anno che bolletta arriva- Massima dello zio.

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Utente 16mm
Messaggi: 166
Iscritto il: dom dic 07, 2003 1:24 am
Località: Coney Island

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Snake »

Antonio Marcheselli ha scritto:
One is owned by Nandoplex
Hai capito Nando!
S'è messo a fare affari anche in Albione!

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Messaggi: 4244
Iscritto il: mer mag 28, 2003 11:58 am
Località: Milano

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da Mauro »

P.s.= Ora Marcheselli mi caccia veramente|
Inizia a non quotare interamente i messaggi altrimenti prima che ti cacci Marcheselli ci pensiamo noi a farlo :)
"Only the projectionist gets final cut" (W.Friedkin)

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Messaggi: 1196
Iscritto il: dom mar 07, 2004 12:36 pm
Località: Liguria

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da nandoplex »

Well, Antonio, you know that when I stop my cinema business, I'll have a restaurant.

And, of course, I'll be the chef! and, moreover, the sommelier!

But that place is not mine. I hate burgers (I ate sometimes).

Utente 35mm
Messaggi: 664
Iscritto il: gio mag 19, 2005 9:55 pm
Skype: GM
Località: Lombardia

Re: My England trip in Reading

Messaggio da GM »

Inizia a non quotare interamente i messaggi altrimenti prima che ti cacci Marcheselli ci pensiamo noi a farlo :)[/quote]

:wowo!!: :wowo!!: :wowo!!: :wowo!!: :wowo!!: :wowo!!: :wowo!!: :wowo!!: :wowo!!: :wowo!!:
Spegni la scritta primo tempo, sai alla fine dell'anno che bolletta arriva- Massima dello zio.
