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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24446
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

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Projectionist loses job after panning movie

By Borys Kit
Thu Jun 14, 1:26 AM ET

A projectionist at a Memphis theater chain has lost his job after writing an unauthorized early review of "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer" for the Web site Ain't It Cool News.

Jesse Morrison, the projectionist, claims that the film's distributor, 20th Century Fox, was behind the decision by Malco Theatres Inc. to suspend him for an undetermined period. The studio denied the charge.

While studios and filmmakers have endured early reviews of their movies, both negative and positive, on Web sites since the early days of the Internet, the incident might mark the first time someone working in the entertainment industry has lost a job for voicing an early opinion online.

On Saturday, posted a negative review by Morrison (writing under his online moniker Memflix) under the headline "Memflix crushes all hope for 'Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer."'

A 29-year-old film, video and journalism major at the University of Memphis, Morrison worked for $7 an hour at the Ridgeway Four, next door to Malco's home office. He picked up further compensation by readying movie prints for exhibitor and press screenings, which allowed him during the past year to write reviews of such movies as "Disturbia," "Vacancy" and "Spider-Man 3" for Ain't It Cool. He also wrote reviews for Malco's movie blog and a circular distributed at the theater.

On Monday, two days after his "Silver Surfer" pan appeared, Morrison was called into a meeting with Malco senior vp Jimmy Tashie and, according to Morrison, was "suspended until further notice," with the suggestion that he would not be asked to return.

Morrison said Tashie pointed out that "20th Century Fox called them that morning and threatened to take away the press and trade screenings because of this whole thing. They were upset."

Asked if Fox had any role in the suspension, Tashie said: "Absolutely none." The executive said his company received a call from Fox that said "there's somebody there working for (Malco) who is writing reviews in advance. That's all they said. No one asked us to do anything. We have been in business 95 years, and this is the first time anything like this happened. And this boy knew what he was doing was the wrong thing. . . . He was in a position of trust and he violated that trust."

Drew McWeeney, known as "Moriarty" on the Ain't It Cool site, picked up Morrison's cause. Amid two positive reviews for the new movie, he championed Morrison's right to free speech and wrote: "He's written many reviews for us before, but when he wrote one for 'Fantastic Four,' Fox went into hypersensitive overdrive. They tracked him down and had him fired, threatening to pull their business from the entire chain over that review."

Sources inside Fox denied the studio's involvement, saying that the disciplinary action was beyond their reach and was the theater chain's decision.

Some entertainment companies, including film productions, do ask workers to sign confidentiality agreements, agreeing not to disclose information. Morrison said he had never been asked to sign such an agreement, though he would have if asked.

"If they had sat me down and told me that this has caused such a stink and that we would like you to sign some waiver, I probably would have signed it," Morrison said. "In my opinion, they used strong-arm tactics. I don't regret going on my Web site or Ain't It Cool at all. I just wish it hadn't come to this, but I don't really believe I did anything wrong."

Tashie said: "In the future, anybody in that position will sign something."

A number of Ain't It Cool readers have rallied to Morrison's cause, some even offering him jobs like a cameraman gig in Mexico.

Morrison said he is weighing his options. "I'm hoping to get a job as a professional movie reviewer, but I don't know what's going to happen with that. I guess you could say I'm at some kind of crossroads right now."

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

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In pratica: un proiezionista ha visionato il film in anticipo e ha fatto una recensione su internet.
La Fox ha chiamato la direzione.
Il Cinema ha licenziato il proiezionista.

Non sapevo che fosse pericoloso fare recensioni con mezza giornata di anticipo... :evil:


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Homer Simpson

Digital Cinema Mastering Engineer
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Iscritto il: dom apr 17, 2005 7:42 pm
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Messaggio da Fbrighi »

Boh...e quelle scritte dai giornali vanno bene invece? Che problema c'e' ... è cmq pubblicità al film (non importa se se ne parla bene o male, l'importante è che se ne parli) mica pirateria.

Boh...a tal proposito, se voi lo avete visto in ante (stasera lo vedo anche io)..mi sapete solo dire se nel film viene fatta o no menzione di Galactus? Certo, se si può...visto i precedenti di memphis...:(




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Iscritto il: sab giu 29, 2002 10:50 am
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Messaggio inserito da Kobram
Boh...a tal proposito, se voi lo avete visto in ante (stasera lo vedo anche io)..mi sapete solo dire se nel film viene fatta o no menzione di Galactus? Certo, se si può...visto i precedenti di memphis...:(
Dopo quello che ha riportato Antonio dubito che qualcuno ti risponderà:D:D:D

WALTER - Cinema Teatro Loverini

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24446
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

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Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

In effetti mi asterrò dal porre recensioni alle 5 di mattina quando torno... Che tristezza.

Ad ogni modo non l'ho visto io. Stanotte abbiamo visto solo Io e Beethoven e io ho riparato un proiettore! ;)


I've always wondered if there was a god. And now I know there is
-- and it's me.
Homer Simpson

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Utente 35mm
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Iscritto il: gio mag 30, 2002 6:16 pm
Località: Veneto

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Messaggio da Gio »

Fermo restando che mi pare una grande ... grande... va buoh si capisce..., è bellissima la newsletter di FilmTv di oggi:

Praticamente riportano la notizia di quello che è successo e... non parlano dei film che escono questa settimana (non si sa mai, dicono...) e concludono con, invece della solita frase "buon week end al cinema", con "buon week end... al mare" 8)


Ma quello che non ho capito io è fondamentalmente il perché della cosa...

A leggere là, nel mio inglese zoppicante, si dice che: la Fox non è stata, ma è stata la catena di cinema, che però dice che non è stato fatto per un "accordo di riservatezza" (e anche se ci fosse stato non capisco cosa centri l'opinione su di un film con un simile accordo...) ma perché il proiezionista ha "sbagliato"... a fare cosa? :x :?:

Giovanni Zampieri
La petite Lumière cinemultisala - Belluno

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24446
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

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Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

Infatti anche io leggendo sentivo il rumore delle mani sugli specchi...

Il proiezionista ha sbagliato non si sa cosa, la Fox ha solo avvisato la catena della cosa... Ed è cosa sbagliata fare una recensione in anticipo di mezza giornata del film?

Copie schifose, sale vergognose, proiezionisti licenziati... Andiamo al mare, è meglio.


I've always wondered if there was a god. And now I know there is
-- and it's me.
Homer Simpson
