Ritorna James Cameron con idee digitali?

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Iscritto il: gio mag 30, 2002 6:16 pm
Località: Veneto

Ritorna James Cameron con idee digitali?

Messaggio da Gio »

Stavo navigando nel sito di Arcadia (casualmente eh...) e tra le news ne trovo una del 18/06 che non avevo letto e dice:

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Il regista canadese avrebbe in cantiere due progetti per il suo ritorno al grande schermo. Entrambi saranno filmati in alta risoluzione digitale 3-D. Dopo le recenti esperienze documentaristiche, il cinquantenne regista premio Oscar per Titanic comincerà le riprese di un nuovo film ad alto budget in dicembre. Non è ancora dato sapere se si tratterà di Battle Angel, di cui si parla da tempo, o di un progetto parallelo, provvisoriamente intitolato Project 880.
Battle Angel è un progetto che Cameron accarezza da tempo, ovvero la trasposizione del personaggio di Yukito Kishiro, protagonista di un manga in 12 capitoli molto popolare in Giappone.
Nei piani del regista ci sarebbe la distribuzione del film in mille sale provviste di proiettori digitali.
Fonte: Corriere.fantascienza.com

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Cosa intendono per "alta risoluzione digitale 3-D"?

Giovanni Zampieri
La petite Lumière cinemultisala - Belluno

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24452
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

Ritorna James Cameron con idee digitali?

Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

C'era un articolo su Film-Tech, dice che Cameron è rimasto colpito dai risultati della tecnologia e che avrebbe fatto tutto in 3D. Se non erro anche Lucas sta pensando di rifare la trilogia in 3D.

ecco l'articolo
Five Major Filmmakers Support TI’s Digital 3D Cinema
by Joseph L. Kleiman

March 17, 2005 (Las Vegas) – Today at ShoWest, Texas Instruments DLP Cinema unvield their prototype 3D product. The images were shown on a 48-foot white matte screen, and projected on a Christie CP 2000 DLP Cinema projector with a Dolby surround sound system. Doug Darrow, Business Development Manager for TI DLP Cinema hosted, with filmmakers George Lucas, James Cameron, Robert Zemeckis, Robert Rodriguez and Randall Kleiser in attendance.

George Lucas and James Cameron each introduced a collection clips during the presentation. The first, introduced by Lucas, showcased the 2D to 3D conversion process perfected by In-Three. 2D to 3D conversion clips introduced by Lucas included the speeder chase from “Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones,” Tony Scott’s “Top Gun,” Disney’s “Lilo and Stitch” and the entire first reel of “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.” The 3D conversions were spectacular, but even wearing the streamlined LCD glasses, ghosting occurred. Regardless this minor issue, Lucas feels that this 3D digital conversion actually outshines the original film. According to Lucas, a number of demos have been made to his company over the past 20 years by various companies, but In-Three’s was the first one to meet his standards. Lucas is planning to release his entire Star Wars saga in 3D for the 30th anniversary in 2007.

Lucas has been pushing digital solutions for almost eight years. According to the filmmaker, the more he’s used digital solutions, the more advantages he has encountered and the more possibilities he has discovered. Because 30-40% of films today utilize a digital negative, the preparation of films for digital cinema will be cost efficient. The advantages of a digital presentation are the lack of weave due to sprockets, scratches and tears. Whereas a film print degrades the more it is shown, a digital print retains its pristine condition.

After Lucas, Cameron introduced a selection of clips showcasing how digital 3D projection disregards the way the film was shot. Cameron’s montage consisted of clips from his 3D features “Ghosts of the Abyss” and “Aliens of the Deep,” both filmed with a combination of a 3D digital rig and CGI; Cameron’s “Terminator 2: 3D” from Universal Studios Theme Parks, shot on 5perf/65mm; Robert Rodriguez’ “Spy Kids 3D,” a hybrid of live action and CGI; CGI clips form Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” films (following up Jackson’s appearance in 3D during the Lucas portion of the presentation, where Jackson lends his support to the new technology with his ultimate goal being hobbits in 3D); and Robert Zemeckis’ “The Polar Express,” filmed with performance capture and starring virtual characters. “Ghosts,” “Aliens,” and “Polar” have all been screened in 3D on IMAX screens, but this was the first 3D digital screening of scenes from “Spy Kids” utilizing polarized lenses which allowed for a full-color image and completely impressed its director, Rodriguez.

Cameron noted that we now exist in a production world where all parts of production (filming, post, CGI) are digital, and where, with digital projection, it’s possible for a movie to live its entire existence without seeing a single sprocket. This results in the most perfect 3D image possible. According to Cameron, the specs for 3D projection are outlined in the DCI (Digital Cinema Initiative) specs (this statement contradicts what Charles Swarz of USC’s Entertainment Technology Center stated at an earlier ShoWest presentation). Cameron said that 3D is currently available only in the IMAX format. He wants 3D to be available in every multiplex, pointing out that the IMAX version of “The Polar Express” grossed $45 million, meaning that 35% of the film’s revenue came from only 2% of its screens. By increasing the number of 3D screens available, distributors and exhibitors can drastically increase profit through offering a premium product. Cameron noted logistical issues regarding distribution still need to be overcome, such as whether 3D will be a day-and-date release with its 2D counterpart or if it will be released a few weeks prior. It’s also not certain if theaters will charge a premium price for the 3D product.

Each filmmaker continues his support of IMAX and IMAX 3D. Cameron noted that, to date, only 16 IMAX films have been released in 3D. He believes that by now IMAX should have thousands of 3D releases, but the venues are not there, much like he believes that by now there should be thousands of venues for digital projection. Additionally Cameron asserted that digital cinema will not act as competition to IMAX, but rather compliment it by providing more product for IMAX 3D. Audiences are looking for a premium theater experience, and all five filmmakers feel that, with its larger screen, IMAX provides that experience.

Lucas, Cameron, Zemeckis, Rodriguez and Kleiser embrace this new 3D technology. Kleiser, who directed “Honey, I Shrunk the Audience” for Disney’s theme parks discussed seeing In-Three’s demonstration of 2D to 3D conversion for classic films, including “Gone with the Wind” and his own film “Grease.” As previously mentioned, Lucas is scheduling a 3D conversion of all six Star Wars films for Summer 2007, which Cameron noted would put them up against his own 3D feature, “Battle Angel.” In addition to wanting to convert “From Dusk to Dawn” to 3D, his original desire, Rodriguez has a 3D family film, “Shark Boy and Lava Girl,” scheduled for release this summer, and Zemeckis has two 3D productions in the works. Lucas also mentioned that he wants the fourth Indiana Jones film to be made in 3D, but first must turn Steven Spielberg to the 3D side of The Force.

Article © 2005 Joseph L. Kleiman/Amanda Gardner

Scusate, è in inglese! :)
Non l'ho letto neppure io, poi lo rileggo e lo commentiamo!! :D

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Iscritto il: ven feb 25, 2005 6:12 pm
Località: Lazio

Ritorna James Cameron con idee digitali?

Messaggio da Lucaplex »

James Cameron è stato sempre un pioniere della tecnologia applicata al cinema.
Consiglio vivamente di acquistare i dvd di Terminator e Aliens-Scontro finale ricchissimi di extra molto interessanti: foto,modelli,miniature,ricostruzioni di set tratte dai film.
Cameron è stato all'avanguardia già prima che fossero disponibili mezzi come l'Avid.
Con l'ausilio dell'Industrial Light & Magic di George Lucas prima, che con la fondazione della Digital Domain, di sua proprietà, dopo, ha introdotto nel cinema fantastici effetti speciali realizzati con la computer graphic.

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24452
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

Ritorna James Cameron con idee digitali?

Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

forse OT: sapevate che la DTS ha acquisito una società di produzione grafica?

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Iscritto il: gio mag 30, 2002 6:16 pm
Località: Veneto

Ritorna James Cameron con idee digitali?

Messaggio da Gio »

Ummmh... allora praticamente si tratta di una proiezione in stile IMAX (occhiali a cristalli liquidi) fatta però con un proiettore D-Cinema?

Cosa se ne fa la DTS di un reparto grafico?

Giovanni Zampieri
La petite Lumière cinemultisala - Belluno

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Antonio Marcheselli
Messaggi: 24452
Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
Località: Swindon, UK

Ritorna James Cameron con idee digitali?

Messaggio da Antonio Marcheselli »

evidentemente vuole ingrandire la sua espansione. Con l'XD10 che può riprodurre contenuti grafici non mi pare una cattiva idea... vediamo!


Utente 35mm
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Iscritto il: mer set 25, 2002 12:13 am
Località: Italy

Ritorna James Cameron con idee digitali?

Messaggio da giorgio »

beh... devo dire che pero' con Titanic tutti gridavano al miracolo ma devo dire sinceramente che si vedeva anche su uno schermo piccolissimo che erano effetti digitali... l'acqua troppo "computerizzata" e la nave troppo "plasticosa"... preferisco, per l'epoca, piu' gli effetti speciali di Terminator 2 (o "bue" come intitolava "il vernacoliere" una delle sue parodie...) e quelli di "the abiss"...
ho il vecchio cofanetto (non quello che ha le versioni in DTS, per intenderci) e gia' li ci sono un fracco di speciali e dietro le quinte... sto seriamente pensando di comprarmi la versione limitata con i dischi dentro la testa dell'alieno...
the abiss penso di essere stato il primo a comprarsi la versione DVD quando e' uscita... cameron e' tra i miei registi contemporanei preferiti (Titanic non m'e' piaciuto, pero', anche se capisco di essere uno tra i pochi), assieme alla suo ex moglie, Katrin Bigelow (i suoi film, fino a qualche anno fa, erano ADRENALINA pura... Near Dark, Point Break, Strange Days - con le musiche dei grandi deep forest)
non sono pero' d'accordo con lui per il digitale... a suo tempo era un fanatico convinto della ripresa in super 35, che, come tutte le cose, ha i suoi pro e i suoi contro...
