Arriverà mai in Italia?
Sale Dolby Cinema hanno già aperto da anni in Olanda, Francia, Germania, Austria.
Siamo la solita Cenerentola d'Europa.
Dolby Cinema, quando in Italia?
Re: Dolby Cinema, quando in Italia?
Concordo. Sarebbe bello! Purtroppo non lavoro nel settore e quindi non vorrei esprimere giudizi affrettati anche se ho una mia opinione
Re: Dolby Cinema, quando in Italia?
Risposta di Dolby (Europe):
Hello Matteo,
Dolby Cinema continues to expand globally. After the pandemic we have restarted exploring new opportunities. We would be very happy to launch in Italy, but as you may know the cinema industry is still getting back on its feet and recovering from COVID. We need a little more time to get admissions and box office results more in line with 2019. Currently, there is therefore not any immediate opportunity in Italy.
Best regards,
Adam Taylor
Senior Cinema Products Support Engineer
Dolby (Europe) Ltd
Hello Matteo,
Dolby Cinema continues to expand globally. After the pandemic we have restarted exploring new opportunities. We would be very happy to launch in Italy, but as you may know the cinema industry is still getting back on its feet and recovering from COVID. We need a little more time to get admissions and box office results more in line with 2019. Currently, there is therefore not any immediate opportunity in Italy.
Best regards,
Adam Taylor
Senior Cinema Products Support Engineer
Dolby (Europe) Ltd
- Antonio Marcheselli
- Amministratore
- Messaggi: 24467
- Iscritto il: mer mag 08, 2002 11:41 am
- Località: Swindon, UK
Re: Dolby Cinema, quando in Italia?
Sono sicuro che avrai controllato con Adam prima di pubblicare su un forum pubblico un messaggio ricevuto in privato?
Sono sale per grandi pubbici e ciò rende doverose proiezioni per grandi popolazioni
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